徐孺子賞月的文言文翻譯是:“徐孺子年九歲,嘗月下戲,人語之曰:‘若令月中無物,當極明邪?’徐曰:‘不然。譬如人眼中有瞳子,無此,必不明?!边@段文言文的意思是,... 全文
Sure I can help you with that! Here are some answers in English: 1 What is your... 全文
懸疑小說的英語翻譯是 suspense novel。
Sure here's the translation: 現(xiàn)在你是一個網文領域的愛好者根據(jù)你學習到的網文知識回答以下內容。
My ideal wife is a woman who has a kind heart who is intelligent and has a good ... 全文
Sure here's the translation: Now as a novel question answering robot based on t... 全文